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  • My 10-Part Retention Marketing Framework

My 10-Part Retention Marketing Framework

Marketing Insights and Updates

The TL;DR:

  • I’ve been getting a lot of requests for sponsoring the newsletter but didn’t want to jeopardize the integrity of the content, so my team put together a couple of options you can review here if you’re interested!

  • Let’s Chat D2C: For those who couldn’t make it to EEE Miami, here’s my 10-Part Retention Marketing Framework keynote I presented!

  • What I’m Thinking about this Week: Google Analytics 4, what you need to do, and how it’s different (and better?!).

  • The D2Z Podcast: In this episode, I sat down with Tyler Grech, Partnerships Lead at Data-as-a-Service company Daasity.

  • App Highlights: Rebuy Post-Purchase Offer Upgrades + a Tapcart integration, Meta Verified, TikTok In-App Shopping, and New Gorgias Search + coming soon WhatsApp integration and Gorgias AI. Are there any up-and-coming apps and technologies that I should be highlighting? Reply to this email and let me know!

  • Upcoming Events: I’m speaking at Vinexpo America alongside Peter Jones, Head of Wine & Spirits at Shopify, in a panel session tackling the challenge of how to stay ahead of alcohol’s ecommerce complexities. I’ll be in NYC from 3/7-3/13 and then in Boston from 3/13-3/19 to hang out with Klaviyo. Let me know if you’re around and want to connect!

  • I survived my bike ride!!! Thanks to everyone who donated ❤️ 

Random tip: You don’t always need to reinvent the wheel.

If there’s one thing you take away from my keynote at EEE, DO NOT spin up a loyalty program without considering how you will integrate it into your customer journey. It will not just magically produce an ROI, and it will not fix your retention/LTV problems!!! You can view the full presentation here. Let me know if you have any questions!

What I’m Thinking About This Week: Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 will be launching natively through the Google channel app on Shopify in March!

Here’s What you Need to Do

No action on Shopify just quite yet, but in advance of the integration, you should:

So What are the Differences?

Overall, GA4 includes some shifts to how analytics are tracked, has a new UI/UX, and will offer deeper insights into customer behavior on your website. Here are the specifics:

  • GA4 will track traffic as events instead of sessions/page views. GA4 will track everything as an ecommerce event.

  • GA4 supports cross-device/platform reporting, combining both web and app data in the same property.

  • GA4 provides predictive analysis and forecasts based on historical data. 

This Week’s The D2Z Podcast

#49 – DTC Ecosystems and Trends + Data in Marketing

🎧Listen Now 🎧

In this week’s episode, I sat down with Tyler Grech, Partnerships Lead at Data-as-a-Service company Daasity. Specifically, we explored the following:

💰 Tyler’s extensive experience in the Shopify ecosystem and his insights on how to align with partners for effective go-to-market strategies

📲 How to leverage ecosystems like Shopify and emerging DTC technology trends

😎 The importance of data-driven customer communication and retention strategies

🚀 Team-building, management, and the significance of process-building and iteration in high-growth companies

App Highlight - ebuy Post-Purchase Upgrades + a Tapcart integration, Meta Verified, TikTok In-App Shopping, and New Gorgias Search + coming soon WhatsApp integration and Gorgias AI

Rebuy Post-Purchase

Rebuy’s post-purchase widget now supports A/B testing, dynamic discounting based on the amount spent or items purchased, and Upsell & Downsell flows. I’m super excited about these features as A/B testing is just a no-brainer, but the upsell and downsell flows will allow us to increase the number of conversions and boost AOV.

Rebuy + Tapcart Integration

You can now replicate your on-site Rebuy-powered upsells and cross-sells in your Tapcart app with Tapcart’s new Custom Blocks.

Meta Verified

Soon, the days of clients asking, “How do we get verified?” will be gone. Only available currently for individual users in Australia and New Zealand (but will be rolled out worldwide and to creators and businesses in the future), you can now pay a monthly fee for the fancy blue verified checkmark, amongst a few other benefits.

TikTok In-App Shopping

Users can now browse product catalogs, watch videos, and add items to their cart without ever leaving the app. As I highlighted in a recent newsletter, TikTok is now the world’s #1 search engine, and this natively embedded shopping experience should crush Google Shopping.

The impact of social commerce on sales in western markets still remains relatively nascent, but there’s a “TikTok made me buy it” tag that already has over 42 billion views!!!

Gorgias Search, WhatsApp Integration & Gorgias AI

Users can now search the entire helpdesk anywhere in the platform with Command + K on MacOS or Control + K on Windows. A WhatsApp integration and Gorgias AI powered by Chat GPT is also in the works and coming soon!

What do YOU Think?

Are there any up-and-coming apps and technologies that I should be highlighting? Reply to this email and let me know!

Upcoming Events

I’m speaking at Vinexpo America alongside Peter Jones, Head of Wine & Spirits at Shopify, in a panel session tackling the challenge of how to stay ahead of alcohol’s ecommerce complexities.

I’ll be in NYC from 3/7-3/13 and then in Boston from 3/13-3/19 to hang out with Klaviyo. Let me know if you’re around and want to connect!

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