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Last-minute Cyber Monday Tips!!! šŸ’”

Last-Minute Cyber Monday Strategies

Post-purchase offers, DNO Emails, Extending your sale, and more 

The TL;DR:

  • Letā€™s Chat D2C: Last-minute Cyber Monday Tips you need to implement ASAP!!!

  • What Iā€™m Thinking about this Week: Your new BFCM customers probably suck, and you need to treat them differently.

  • The D2Z Podcast: In this weekā€™s episode, I sat down with Andrea Popova, CEO of CPGD, an investor-backed community of 5,000 founders, creators, and investors in the DTC industry.

  • App Highlight - 3 Updates: Gorgiasā€™ discount code generator, Fairing Question Bank, and Klaviyoā€™s new Litmus integration

  • Book of the Week - N/A, too much turkey. And my Amazon order to Utah got ā€œlost,ā€ so my book for the week will have to happen next week.

  • Upcoming Events: Iā€™m hosting a masterclass webinar on 12/13 with my friends at Fairing. RSVP HERE!

Random tip: When you go to a buffet, skip the salad station and get your moneyā€™s worth with the entrees!!!

Let's Chat D2C: Last-minute Cyber Monday Tips

Post-Purchase Offer

Free revenue for your brand!!! Iā€™ve talked about it at least five times in the history of this newsletter, and itā€™s no different for this Cyber Monday. You NEED to implement a post-purchase cross-sell offer on your store.

At Electriq, around 10-15% of customers convert with these offers. Itā€™s the easiest way to increase your AOV and LTV.

My recommendation is always Rebuy. Their platform does WAY more than just the post-purchase offer; this is a great place to start.

When you launch your post-purchase 1-click offer, use messaging like ā€œlimited time BFCM offerā€ to help increase the conversion rate.


Send DNO ā€œDid Not Openā€ Emails

I donā€™t typically recommend this, but this is one of the few times per year that it makes sense to try and get your BFCM promotions to as many people as possible.

Donā€™t be afraid to send your Cyber Monday promotional email Monday morning, and then later in the night, as the cut-off time is nearing, send it to all non-openers again.


Extend your Sale to Non-Purchasers past BFCM

Extending your Black Friday marketing promotions past Cyber Monday is also fantastic. Don't go overboard, though, and make it last till Christmas. 24 to 72 hours will suffice.

Make sure to segment out anyone who already took advantage of your BFCM offer and only send it to non-purchasers. Focus on scarcity and the fact that this is the LAST CHANCE they have to shop the sale.

Your non-purchaser email inboxes will likely be much quieter after BFCM as well!


Update your Email & SMS Pop-up

Update your email & SMS pop-up to reflect the discount youā€™re promoting. Below is an example from one of my favorite brands, Hudson Jeans, that they used during BFCM.

The quality of your subscriber might be slightly lower, but tag your BFCM emails so you can see that over time.



Suppose youā€™re not using Email on Acid or Litmus to test your emails. In that case, youā€™re risking your emails during the most important time of the year not delivering or rendering properly in your subscriberā€™s inboxes.

What Iā€™m Thinking About This Week: Shitty BFCM Customers

Iā€™m one of themā€¦ there are multiple brands I only shop from on BFCM.


Customers gained over BFCM have a lower LTVā€¦

Shopify reports that for 64% of retailers, the customers gained over the Black Friday weekend have a lower lifetime value than those obtained at any other period of the year (link to study here).


Tag Your New BFCM2022 Customers

So what should you do? Set up your Shopify admin to tag any new BFCM2022 customers as ā€œBFCM2022ā€ so that you can adequately segment them moving forward.


A Strong Transactional Experience

Transactional messaging will make or break your relationship with your new BFCM2022 customers. Make sure youā€™re leveraging a solution like Malomo to move your transactional emails and texts into Klaviyo so you can:

  • Have more transactional touchpoints

  • Personalize the transactional journey

  • Create custom order tracking pages

  • And more!!!

Customers, on average, will check their order tracking page 4.6 times per order!


Have a ROBUST Post-Purchase Flow

So your new BFCM customer has received their order; now what? You need to hammer them with relevant email & SMS communications to ensure they are getting the most out of their new product and have a frictionless way to re-order!


This Week's The D2Z Podcast

#37 - Emerging Consumer Brands, Unlocking Growth with Retail and Digital Synergy, and Nurturing Loyalty

šŸŽ§ Listen Now šŸŽ§

In this weekā€™s episode, I sat down with Andrea Popova, CEO of CPGD, an investor-backed community of 5,000 founders, creators, and investors in the DTC industry. Specifically, we explored the following:

šŸ’° Getting the proper marketing and operations resources to build a consumer brand

šŸ“² Having the right tech stack to bypass technical hurdles

šŸ˜Ž Using the physical retail space for customer discovery, acquisition, and retention

šŸš€ In-person experiences, pop-ups, and events, with retention flows pushing back to the site


App Highlight - Gorgias Shopify Discount Codes, Fairingā€™s Question Bank, and Klaviyoā€™s New Litmus Integration

This week Iā€™ve got some valuable updates from 3 of my favorite app partners, but next week I will be highlighting a new technology that Lindt just used to roll out a virtual shopping experience, so stay tuned!


Gorgiasā€™ Shopify Discount Code Generator

Now you can create and send one-time-only discount codes to your shoppers directly from the ticket message view in Gorgias.

The codes can be custom or generated, based on a percentage, fixed amount, or free shipping, and the code can be marked as ā€˜one-time useā€™ or for use multiple times.


Fairingā€™s Question Bank

Fairing released a library of best practice survey questions, an aggregation of zero-party data questions from leading DTC brands that are baked right into their app.

Theyā€™re categorized into the four core use cases of Fairing:

  • Attribution

  • Personalization

  • CRO

  • Research


Klaviyo x Litmus Integration

If youā€™re a Klaviyo power user like me, you use Litmus for additional email testing and optimization functionality.

There are more than 300,000 different ways an email can be displayed based on the email client, device, and environment (like Dark Mode - I hate you) a subscriber is using to view your email, making testing CRITICAL to a robust email marketing program.

Now, with the Litmus-Klaviyo integration, you can test your campaigns with Litmus without ever leaving Klaviyo.

You can instantly preview emails across 100+ email clients and devices as you build in Klaviyo without the hassle of switching between tools. You can also check link functionality, image blocking, loading speed, and more.


Book of the Week - N/A

Amazon lied about trying to deliver my book to Utah, and I overate turkey, so Iā€™ll be back next week with an excellent book for you!


Upcoming Events

Iā€™ll be hosting a masterclass webinar on 12/13 with my friends at Fairing about how I use their platform to help with purchase attribution and as a zero-party data aggregator that directly impacts Electriqā€™s segmentation and personalization strategy. More details to come on this! You can RSVP here!

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