Here Goes Week 2!

E-course, Conversational Commerce, and Zero-Party Data

The TL;DR:

  • I created a 63 lesson, 3+ hours of video content SMS Marketing Course

    • Let me know what course I should make next with this form!

    • I shared 3 of the 63 videos on my Youtube here highlight conversational commerce and how to implement in Attentive

  • D2Z Podcast: Co-founder of Prehook and I discuss zero party data and experience-focused marketing

  • App Highlight: Enquire Labs. If you’re serious about customer insights, zero-party data aggregation, and implementing a retention strategy backed with personalization, you need to get this app up and running!

  • I’m hosting Subscription Ecommerce Live on Wednesday @ 2PM EST with ARPU for a live Q&A covering how to improve retention and increase LTV

  • In case you missed out, you can watch the full Malomo Webinar about creating a robust post-purchase experience here

You’re still here!

I guess last week wasn’t that bad since you’re all still here. I’ll take zero unsubs and 2x growth in subscribers for this week as a win and motivation to try and make this even better!

I’m going to start doing the above TL;DR because if you’re anything like me there’s no chance in hell you’re going to read this whole thing and you need some quick bullet points/action items you can take into the week.

So without further ado, let’s dive into it!

I Created an SMS E-course Last Weekend

I launched my new site and built out the first ever Attentive Ecommerce SMS Marketing Course last weekend. It’s 63 lessons and over 3 hours of video content designed to turn you into an SMS marketing expert!


For starters, it’s extremely important as Electriq continues to grow that we are able to effectively train our team at scale. The last thing I want for us to turn into is another agency that grows too quickly and loses the quality of their offering that got them there in the first place.

Second, there are some resources online that touch on certain components of SMS marketing, but there’s nothing that is completely exhaustive and brings everything together. A quick google search for “SMS marketing e-course” and your first result is a 32-minute course with a 3.6 star rating. I really think there is a need here!

Third, I love doing this. It might be weird, but nothing’s more satisfying than spending a weekend diving extremely deep into a topic, testing the boundaries of my own knowledge, and creating something that (hopefully) will drive a ton of value for brands and marketers around the world.

What’s next?

I’m heads down on a Klaviyo e-course now and then will be crowd-sourcing the next topic idea based on what YOU want to learn about! So let me know what you’d like to see next with this form.

Let’s Chat D2C

Staying on the topic of SMS, I’m extremely bullish on automated conversational SMS journeys. They allow you to:

  • Aggregate zero party data

  • Guide the product discovery process

  • Create true 1:1 personalization of customer communication

  • Meet your customers on their terms

I’ve uploaded 3 of the 63 SMS course videos that specifically highlight Conversational Commerce here on my Youtube:

The Welcome and Replenishment Journey are just TWO applications of how you can be utilizing this powerful functionality in your SMS program to enhance the customer experience, aggregate zero party data, and ultimately improve retention and increased LTV.

This Week’s The D2Z Podcast

Zero Party Data and Experience-Focused Marketing with Gen Furukawa, co-founder of Prehook

🎧Listen Now🎧

I sat down with Gen Furukawa, e-commerce veteran and co-founder of Prehook, a leading quiz platform for Shopify merchants. We get into zero party data and leveraging it to its most potential, curating a cohesive tech stack, and educating merchants on how to use apps.

We explore how to:

👨‍💻Effectively integrate customer feedback into your development process

😎Electriq and DRINKS new upcoming Shopify product

🎥Experience-focused marketing

App Highlight - Enquire Labs

❓What is It: Post-purchase survey tool

🏅Differentiator: Robust Klaviyo integration, ability to create question logic, and the ability to show certain questions only to new or returning customers.

💰Starting Price: $49/mo

🚀How we use it: Post-purchase surveys for attribution as well as zero party data aggregation that we use to segment campaigns and post-purchase flows for personalization.

A really unique example I like to use here is our client that has a lot of purchases on their site being done by parents, not the actual end customers. We wanted a way to segment our Klaviyo database into purchasers vs actual product users so that we can communicate with them differently.

If I’m a parent, I don’t want to be receiving weekly updates about blog content, makeup tutorials, etc. etc., but if I am the actual product user I would. If I’m a parent, I want to see things like how the product is great for your child’s skin and also when the deals are!

By using Enquire Labs, we’re able to split our Klaviyo database into parents (as well as grandparents) vs not parents.

Beyond that, we were able to discover some pretty interesting metrics around what the % breakdown is as well as what AOV looks like for each cohort based on seasonality.

In the month of December over 50% of purchases were by parents and the AOV was $20 higher.

Fast forward to May of this year, and over 50% of purchases were done by the end customer, with AOV closing to a gap of $15 and more than $10 less for parent purchases.

These are just two examples of how we’re using Enquire and what sort of analytics you’ll be able to get out of the platform.

💡Pro-tip: First, think about how your post-purchase customer experience could be personalized to make it more relevant. Second, think about what data you would need to be able to segment your post-purchase flows to implement that personalization strategy. Third, ask questions in your Enquire post-purchase survey that get you the zero-party data necessary to implement the necessary segmentation.

Upcoming Events

Subscription Ecommerce LIVE

When? Wednesday, June 29, 2-245PM EST

I’m hosting ARPU’s Subscription Ecommerce Live event on Wednesday! They’ve hosted other subscription ecommerce experts like Eli Weiss, Kristin LaFrance, and Jamie Levy to name a few so I’m honored and super excited to jump in here and try and provide as much value as I can.

You might’ve already guessed but I’m going to talk specifically about how improve retention and increase LTV in your subscription program. Specifically:

  • Why it's critical to audit your subscription experience

  • Actions you can take to improve that experience that directly impact retention and LTV

  • What brands get wrong with loyalty programs

It’s a super casual Q&A, which I prefer to the more buttoned up webinars, so we’ll be able to dig a lot deeper with any questions you might have.

Looking Forward to Next Week

Honestly what I’m most excited about is the long weekend! I am trying to get the full Miami experience and spending a day on the water. I’ve already ordered 3 bottles of SPF100 sunscreen so I should be covered and hopefully I won’t be too sunburnt to do next weeks newsletter.

Anyone have any exciting plans? I’d love to hear about them.

And as always, any suggestions for what you want to see in next weeks newsletter, please let me know!


or to participate.