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Ecommerce Lead Capture 101

And the Power of In-Person Meetings

In partnership with

The TL;DR:

  • Let’s Chat D2C: Lead Capture 101

  • What I’m Thinking about this Week: The Power of In-Person Meetings.

  • The D2Z Podcast: In this week’s episode, I interviewed Eli Weiss, Yotpo's VP of Retention Advocacy.

  • App Updates & Highlights: Amped, a leading pop-up solution for Shopify, was acquired by Mailchimp, which has caused quite a stir for Shopify brands. Fortunately, my partners at Digioh have you covered with completely free migrations.

Learn AI-led Business & startup strategies, tools, & hacks worth a Million Dollars (free AI Masterclass) 🚀

This incredible 3-hour Crash Course on AI & ChatGPT (worth $399) designed for founders & entrepreneurs will help you 10x your business, revenue, team management & more.

It has been taken by 1 Million+ founders & entrepreneurs across the globe, who have been able to:

  • Automate 50% of their workflow & scale your business

  • Make quick & smarter decisions for their company using AI-led data insights

  • Write emails, content & more in seconds using AI

  • Solve complex problems, research 10x faster & save 16 hours every week

Let’s Chat D2C - Lead Capture 101

I put together a comprehensive guide to email/SMS lead capture pop-ups:

  • Key elements of effective e-commerce lead capture.

  • Exploring different types of pop-ups for lead capture: i.e., entry pop-ups and exit-intent pop-ups.

  • Design tips for high-converting pop-ups.

  • Measuring the success of your pop-up strategies with key performance indicators.

  • Analyzing and improving your pop-up strategy performance through testing and optimization.

What I’m Thinking About This Week - The Power of In-Person Meetings

Today, I want to share a little about how we managed to scale Electriq, my ecommerce agency, almost entirely through tech partnerships. And guess what? It wasn’t just the emails and Zoom calls that did the trick – it was the power of in-person meetings, both formal office sit-downs and informal dinners.

Building Trust Face-to-Face

Trust is the backbone of any solid partnership. Sure, you can build some level of trust online, but there’s something about shaking hands, seeing the whites of their eyes, and sharing a laugh that cements a relationship. When I first started meeting with potential tech partners, I made it a point to schedule face-to-face meetings.

  • Non-Verbal Cues: You can take away a lot from a person’s body language. Are they leaning in, making eye contact, smiling? These cues help build genuine trust.

  • Personal Connection: These meetings often started with small talk that led to real connections. Finding common interests outside of work made the business conversations smoother and more productive.

Clearer Communication and Understanding

In-person meetings made discussing complex ideas and projects a lot easier. There's nothing like being in the same room when you need to hash out details and make sure everyone’s on the same page.

  • Focused Discussions: When you’re in person, there are fewer distractions. Everyone is present and engaged, so discussions are more focused and productive.

  • Immediate Feedback: You get real-time reactions and can clarify things quickly, which is crucial for complex tech partnerships.

Strengthening Collaboration and Commitment

Meeting in person showed our partners that we were serious about working together. It wasn’t just about closing a deal; it was about building a collaborative and committed relationship.

  • Problem-Solving Together: Face-to-face brainstorming sessions were far more effective. We could draw on whiteboards, toss ideas back and forth, and develop creative solutions together.

  • Demonstrating Commitment: Showing up in person, whether flying out for a meeting or driving across town, demonstrated our commitment to the partnership. It showed that we valued their time and the potential collaboration.

Creating Memorable Experiences

Some of the best connections happened outside the boardroom. Grabbing dinner or drinks allowed us to relax and get to know each other on a personal level.

  • Shared Experiences: Whether it was a fancy dinner or a casual coffee, these moments created shared experiences that strengthened our bonds. We’d talk about everything from sports to family, which made working together feel more like a partnership than a transaction.

  • Cultural Insights: Informal settings helped us better understand our partners' cultures and business etiquette, which is especially important when working with international tech companies.

Practical Tips for Effective In-Person Meetings

Here are a few things that worked for us and could work for you too:

  1. Prepare, But Be Flexible: Have an agenda, but be ready to go with the flow. Sometimes the best ideas come from unexpected conversations.

  2. Choose the Right Setting: Make sure the meeting environment is conducive to the type of discussion you want to have. Formal meetings need a quiet office while relationship-building might be better than a relaxed dinner.

  3. Follow-Up: After your meeting, send a quick follow-up email summarizing what you discussed and the next steps. This shows that you’re organized and serious about moving forward.

  4. Be Genuine: People can tell if you’re faking it. Be yourself, show genuine interest in their business, and be honest about your intentions.

Wrapping Up

Scaling Electriq through tech partnerships wasn’t just about finding the right tools; it was about building strong, trusting relationships. While digital communication was part of the journey, it was those in-person meetings that truly supercharged our growth. So, next time you’re looking to forge a new partnership, consider making it a bit more personal. You might be surprised at how transformative a simple face-to-face meeting can be.

This Week’s The D2Z Podcast

#114 – Harnessing Retention Strategies in SaaS

🎧 Listen Now 🎧

In this week’s episode, I sat down with Eli Weiss, VP of Retention Advocacy at Yotpo, an eCommerce retention marketing platform. Specifically, we explored the following:

💰 Making the transition and translating key principles from a startup to a large corporation.

📲 Leveraging technology that provides detailed customer insights and personalized engagement to create long-term customer relationships.

😎 The impact of company culture and internal processes on business efficiency and innovation.

🚀 The future of ecommerce and tech businesses.

App Updates & Highlights - Free Digioh Migrations

Amped, a leading pop-up solution for Shopify, was acquired by Mailchimp, which has caused quite a stir for Shopify brands. Fortunately, my partners at Digioh have you covered with completely free migrations.

First of all, what's the current situation?

My understanding is that all existing Amped clients must sign a new contract with Mailchimp by September of this year or they will lose access to the platform and all their existing popups. Part of this seemingly means you'd eventually have to use Mailchimp for email vs. Klaviyo or other stronger ESPs built for DTC performance.

How is Digioh helping?

Through the end of August 2024, Amped clients can migrate all popups to Digioh FOR FREE and won't pay a penny more than you're currently paying Amped today.

Digioh’s been in the pop-up and onsite personalization game since 2018, driving some of the leading DTC brands (think Dollar Shave Club, GoPro, Gorjana, Awe Inspired, Pvolve, FIGS, Melissa & Doug, etc.) to a whopping 15%+ increase in acquisition and a 300% increase in conversions, too!

Here's how it works:

  1. Digioh will match whatever you're currently paying Amped today

  2. They'll provide complementary full-service onboarding (design, optimization, integrations, etc.)

  3. Unlimited 1:1 training on Digioh

Tl;dr — Digioh lets you keep industry-leading pop-ups you rely on for list growth without forcing you to inevitably migrate ESPs.

Learn AI-led Business & startup strategies, tools, & hacks worth a Million Dollars (free AI Masterclass) 🚀

This incredible 3-hour Crash Course on AI & ChatGPT (worth $399) designed for founders & entrepreneurs will help you 10x your business, revenue, team management & more.

It has been taken by 1 Million+ founders & entrepreneurs across the globe, who have been able to:

  • Automate 50% of their workflow & scale your business

  • Make quick & smarter decisions for their company using AI-led data insights

  • Write emails, content & more in seconds using AI

  • Solve complex problems, research 10x faster & save 16 hours every week


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