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  • 🚀 BFCM is Less Than 19 Weeks Away! 🤯

🚀 BFCM is Less Than 19 Weeks Away! 🤯

16-Week Countdown, Website Personalization Insights, and More

The TL;DR:

  • Let’s Chat D2C: BFCM is 16 Weeks Away!

  • What I’m Thinking about this Week: Taking the Personalization Experience from Email/SMS to the Website.

  • The D2Z Podcast: I sit down with one of my good friends and fellow Klaviyo Elite Agency owner, Phil Sblendorio.

  • App Highlight - Aument: AI-driven Klaviyo audiences and on-site personalization!

  • Upcoming Events: Private Dodger Stadium Suite with Recharge on August 2 in LA. After a successful and fun first go at this, we’re back with another! There is extremely limited space for merchants, so RSVP ASAP if you’d like to attend, but no guarantees!

    Random tip: Focus on AOV increasing offer structures. You can run a promotion such as “35% off sitewide if you spend $200 or more.”

Let’s Chat D2C - BFCM is 16 Weeks Away!

It’s never too early to start planning for the biggest ecommerce event of the year. I started to see some guides get sent out last week, and I wanted to put my own together for this week, but my flight got delayed 5 hours and then canceled, so that will have to come in a week or so. For now, we’ll have to settle with these unofficial tips!


Make sure you know what offer(s) you will promote during BFCM! And let’s get a little more creative than just a % off. You must brainstorm alternative discounting strategies that cut less into the margin, help increase AOV, and encourage product discovery. Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • Daily Offers: Keep your customers returning by dropping a new offer daily.

  • Gift with Purchase (GWP): Even better, gate the gift behind a $ threshold to encourage higher order values. If you want to get crazy, have 1 or 2 gifts of increasing value that unlock at higher spend thresholds (i.e., you get this if you spend $50, but if you spend $100, you get this which is even better).

  • Bundles: Leverage a tool like Simple Bundles to increase your merchandising options without any new inventory or backend work.

  • Tiered Discounting: Even if it’s a traditional % off, this encourages customers to spend more (i.e., Spend $100 and get 20% off, Spend $150 and get 25% off).

  • Limited Quantity Exclusives

  • Buy X, Get Y

  • Ethical Promotions: Donate a % of all sales to a cause or allow customers to choose whether they take advantage of your discount or donate to a charity 

SMS List Growth

One of my most successful tactics from the last BFCM was building the SMS list 4-6 weeks in advance by promising early access to BFCM deals. We sold out of some products just through the early access drop we gave to these VIP SMS subscribers.

Retain your Customers post BFCM

YOUR PROMOTION DOESN’T STOP AT CHECKOUT. You want to make sure you are retaining these customers well beyond the holiday season, so use this as an opportunity to surprise and delight your customers with the following:

  • A gift (either a product or a gift card)

  • Handwritten thank you cards

  • Gift wrapping

  • And more!

Lapsed and Never Purchased

BFCM is a great time to target your lapsed customers and contacts on your list who have never purchased. Use this as an opportunity to tailor the messaging you send them to be more relevant.

What I’m Thinking About This Week: Taking the Personalization Experience from Email/SMS to the Website

As a retention agency, I’m all about personalizing customers' email and SMS experiences. But why stop there?

Personalize the Site Experience

If you’re already implementing personalization into your email and SMS strategy, you have all the data you need to personalize your website experience. As opposed to talking through it, I’ll use a few examples.

Order Tracking Pages

At a minimum, we set up separate order tracking pages for one-shot and subscription customers for every client. We include product cross-sells and strong CTA’s to join the subscription program for the one-shot order tracking page. On the subscription order tracking page, we reinforce the benefits the customer receives by being a subscriber while also promoting additional product education and the referral program (if you’re a subscriber, you’re more likely to refer to friends).

Promotional Sales

Let’s say you’re running a 25% off sitewide sale to re-engage lapsed customers (in this case, let’s say it’s customers who haven’t purchased in 180 days or more). Instead of dropping everyone on the same home page, implement a top bar banner that says “{First Name}, take advantage of this limited-time 25% off flash sale on your favorite, the {Most Purchased Product}.”

These are just two examples of hundreds of ways to personalize the on-site experience to be more relevant to your customers and ultimately increase the conversion rate. I’ve been working with Aument on extracting even more revenue from personalization in Klaviyo I’ll touch on more below!

This Week’s The D2Z Podcast

#66 – Entrepreneurship’s Different Paths

🎧 Listen Now 🎧

In this week’s episode, I sat down with Phil Sblendorio, Co-Founder of AMB Interactive, a Klaviyo Elite Email Marketing Agency (like Electriq!). Specifically, we explored the following:

💰 Phil uncovers the secret sauce behind building, growing, and scaling successful businesses

📲 Effective hiring strategies in businesses that are extremely people-dependent and have high turnover rates

😎 the financial implications of transitioning from juggling multiple jobs to focusing solely on your own business

🚀 we share our personal experiences on scaling our own businesses and the decision-making process behind transitioning certain roles from outsourcing to in-house operations

App Highlight - Aument

I’ve been working with the Aument team for the past three months on AI-driven audience creation in Klaviyo, taking the data we have on a customer in Klaviyo and surfacing it on-site in areas like PDP overlays and activations. We’re in the very early stages, but their team is very talented, and our initial results for 310 Nutrition, Nexbelt, and Campus Protein have driven 23, 21, and 10% increases in campaign revenue.

Reach out to me or [email protected] if you want to learn more!

Upcoming Events

Private Dodger Stadium Suite with Recharge on August 2 in LA. After a very successful and fun first go at this, we’re back with another! There is extremely limited space for merchants, so RSVP ASAP if you’d like to attend, but no guarantees!

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